Hello! With their stunning tricolor coats, gentle temperament and working dog roots, Do Bernese Mountain Dogs Shed make captivating companions.

But that lush double coat comes at a cost – namely copious shedding spinning fur tumbleweeds across your floors!

This article delves into the realities of living with Bernese shedding, decode myths and shares pro tips minimizing their fluffy molting madness.

Do Bernese Mountain Dogs Shed

Yes, Bernese Mountain Dog shed a moderate amount year-round and more heavily during shedding seasons in the spring and fall. Their thick double coats require regular brushing and grooming to keep loose hairs under control. Frequent vacuuming may be necessary as well when sharing your home with a Bernese Mountain Dog. Their beautiful long fur comes with the trade-off of needing extra time dedicated to coat care and clean-up. Setting realistic expectations about shedding can help potential owners be prepared for this before welcoming one of these gentle giants into their home.

The Reality: Yes, Bernese Dogs Shed…A LOT!

While a moderate degree of shedding is typical for most dog breeds, the Bernese Mountain Dog takes seasonal molting to the extreme. So do Bernese shed? Absolutely – and abundantly!

Bernese owners resignedly accept chronic shedding as part of coexisting with these Swiss beauties. Their double coats blow out thick undercoats twice yearly resulting in sheer volumes of loose hair. Without diligent grooming, tumbleweeds of fur drift everywhere clinging to clothing and furnishings despite your best efforts.

During peak spring and fall shedding seasons, you can literally brush out bucketloads of fluff day after day. Owners report filling multiple grocery bags stuffed with brushed out coat each week when the Bernese Mountain Dog undergoes coat blows. Now that’s extreme!

So do Bernese Mountain Dogs shed? The short answer: Yes, intensely!

Next let’s decode common myths and facts about managing their substantial shedding.

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Bernese Shedding Myths Versus Facts

When it comes to coping with Bernese shedding issues, misinformation gets passed around frequently. Let’s separate fact from fiction:

Myth: Shaving your Bernese’s coat helps reduce shedding.

Fact: Shaving a double coated breed actually triggers more shedding plus sunburn risks!

Myth: Bernese only shed during Spring and Fall coat blow out seasons.

Fact: Bernese shed year round, just less noticeably between seasonal coat blows.

Myth: Brushing frequently worsens Bernese shedding issues.

Fact: Regular brushing helps contain loose hairs and prevents mats and knots from forming.

Myth: Bathing a Bernese more helps minimize shedding mess.

Fact: Over-bathing strips the coat’s oils causing increased shedding. Stick to once monthly baths.

Myth: Bernese puppies don’t shed much.

Fact: Actually Bernese puppies begin shedding early on around 3-4 months old.

By understanding truths behind common lore, owners can make informed choices supporting their Bernese’s coat health while managing messy shedding. Next let’s explore why this breed sheds in such quantities.

Why Bernese Dogs Shed So Much

The Bernese Mountain Dog’s signature long thick double coat plays important functional and protective roles:

  • Insulates in cold mountain conditions
  • Repels moisture and dirt
  • Shields from abrasive terrain or vegetation
  • Helps regulate body temperature
  • Protects skin from UV sun exposure

But such a specialized coat comes at a price – namely prolific shedding! Here’s why they molt so intensely:

Climate Adaptations

Originating high in the Swiss Alps working on farms required a harsh weather-resistant coat. But the thick dense fur that protected them through freezing winters causes miserable shedding issues adapting inside modern temperature controlled homes.

Double Coat Molting Cycles

Bernese have a double coat consisting of:

  • Long, thick outer guard hairs
  • Downy soft undercoat trapping body heat

As seasons change, the undercoat loosens and sheds out to accommodate temperature shifts. The dead hair gets replaced with new growth better suited for emerging weather patterns. This cycle results in biannual heavy shedding episodes – aka coat “blow outs”.

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Year Round Shedding

While most visible during spring and fall, Bernese also shed moderately year-round. Regular shedding keeps coats healthy by eliminating old spent hair making way for fresh growth.

In terms of shedding intensity by season:

  • Spring: Winter undercoat sheds heavily
  • Summer: Moderate year round shedding
  • Fall: Summer coat sheds making way for thick winter fur
  • Winter: Shedding lessens but still occurs mildly

By understanding the weatherproofing purpose behind your Bernese Mountain Dog’s specialized coat, the subsequent heavy shedding seems almost a reasonable tradeoff…almost!

Managing expectations around shedding sets owners up for success. But what steps help cope with all the resulting fur? Read on for tips and tricks!

Managing Bernese Shedding: Pro Tips & Tricks

Living with a Bernese means adapting your household routines and furnishings around dealing with dog hair. Take these proactive shedding management steps:

Brush Frequently

  • Invest in quality slicker brushes suited for double coated breeds
  • Brush thoroughly at least 2-3 times per week year round
  • Daily brushing hugely helps during peak spring and fall shedding seasons
  • Check for mats behind ears, armpits and around collar or harness areas

Bathe Occasionally

  • Bathe just once monthly or when noticeably dirty
  • Over-bathing strips protective coat oils increasing shedding
  • Use gentle dog shampoos like those containing oatmeal

Supplement Smartly

  • Feed diets rich in Omega fatty acids supporting skin and coat health
  • Add omega oil supplements to balance nutrition further
  • Stay vigilant for signs of skin allergies or infections

Control Environments

  • Use washable furniture covers on preferred lounging spots
  • Vacuum floors daily, especially high traffic areas and entryways
  • Close off rooms to avoid excessive fur drifting into unwanted areas

Adjust Expectations

  • Embrace the fur drifting through air and covering clothes as part of owning this breed!
  • Pack lint rollers in purses, desk drawers and vehicles
  • Notify visitors to expect and wear dark colors

While shedding feel unavoidable, taking proactive steps combating fur in fibrous drifts offers some containment. Sometimes laughing about the fur floating through air makes embracing a hairy situation easier!

Bernese Shedding Management Tips

Brush CoatSlicker brush and combMultiple times weekly
BatheShampoo and rinse thoroughlyOnce monthly max
SupplementAdd omega oils to dietDaily
VacuumUse hose attachments reaching tight spotsMultiple times weekly
Furniture CoversWashable covers over lounge spotsRotate for washing weekly

Consistency helps make managing the messy spectacle of Bernese shedding bearable…even if just barely. Read on for what to expect through the distinct seasonal shedding phases.

Bernese Shedding Seasons: What to Expect

Most Bernese owners can sense upcoming seasonal shedding storms brewing. Clumps of fuzz form tumbling fur tumbleweeds drifting through the air. Here’s what to expect during heavy spring and fall shedding bouts:

Springtime Shedding Frenzy

As days get sunnier and warmer heading into spring, the fluffy Bernese winter undercoat loosens preparing to shed out in bucketsful!

When: Late March – May

What Happens: The heavy insulating undercoat starts literally moulting off in chunks leaving wisps of fuzz clinging everywhere. You can brush and brush accumulating heaping piles of fluff daily!

Tips: Increase brushing to daily. Use deshedding tools helping strip out dead coat. Vacuum constantly!

Fall Molting Madness

When summer begins turning to crisp fall weather, your Bernese Mountain Dog begins blowing out their summer coat in anticipation of cooler months.

When: Late September – November

What Happens: Poofts of fuzzy undercoat shed out in little clouds of fluff drifting onto clothes and surfaces overnight. Lint rollers become your new best friend.

Tips: Ramp up daily coat brushing sessions. Schedule bathing just before peak fall shedding to help loosen dead fur. Make vacuum cleaners earn their keep!

While spring and fall mark peak coat blow out seasons, expect shedding year round. But targeting heavy shedding periods for extra vigilant grooming and cleanup helps manage the messy chaos.

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Puppy Coat Shedding: Early Soft Fluff

Many new owners don’t expect puppies to shed assuming it a mature dog issue. But Bernese Mountain Dog puppies begin shedding their fluffy puppy fur as early as 3-4 months when adult coats start growing in.

Puppies undergo multiple coat transitions:

0 – 8 Weeks: Nursing alongside mama dog
8 weeks – 3 months: Fluffy puppy coat
3 – 7 months: Begins shedding puppy coat
7+ months: Sleeker adult coat grows in

While not excessive initially, Bernese puppy coats shed more noticeably during teething phases around 4 months old due to the stress and skin irritation. Expect to find little fluffs of cottony soft puppy fur drifting onto clothing or furniture.

Brush puppies gently a few times weekly to help loose puppy fuzz shed out properly for adult fur replacing it. Increase grooming duration as they mature.

Long Haired Bernese Shedding Considerations

Some specialty Bernese Mountain Dog breeders produce “long haired” Bernese touting fluffier coats. But what implications exist around shedding with longer fur?

Long Haired Bernese Shedding Realities

  • Shed EVEN MORE substantially than standard short haired Bernese shedding
  • Require extensive daily grooming to prevent severe matting
  • Prone to picking up burrs easily tangling deep in coat


  • Prepare for professional grooming expenses monthly or more
  • Intense time commitment preventing painful mats daily
  • Not best suited for families unable to keep up with grooming demands

While their fabulous floofy fur catches eyes admiringly, long haired Bernese prove impractical shedding machines for most owners. Ensure ample time and budget exists supporting extensive grooming needs before adopting long haired varieties.

Shedding Prevention: Mission Impossible

No true way exists to prevent a healthy Bernese Mountain Dog from shedding their double coat. After all, it serves an important temperature regulating function!

But you CAN take proactive steps managing the messy shedding chaos through diligent grooming, strategic home adaptations and embracing the fluffy fur flying fancifully through air as your hairy fairy friend frolics alongside happily.


Do Bernese Mountain Dogs shed? There’s no sugarcoating this breed broadcasts blizzards of fur drifting in endless flurries coating all surfaces!

But for devoted fans of this gentle Swiss giant, the shedding tradeoff seems negligible. Adapting cleaning routines, wearing fur-magnetizing clothing and budgeting for heavy duty vacuums makes their magnificent tri-colored companionship worthwhile.

So beware ye who enter a Bernese-loving household – you’ll leave covered in a fine fuzz announcing the fluffy fur child frolicing within!

Frequently Asked Questions

How much do Bernese Mountain Dogs actually shed?

Bernese shed intensely year round with prolific spring and fall shedding amounting to bucketloads of fluff brushed out daily. Owners report filling trash bags with brushed fur each week.

When do Bernese Mountain Dog puppies start shedding?

Around 3-4 months old, Bernese puppies begin shedding fuzzy puppy fur as adult coats start growing in. Expect to find cottony drifts of puppy fluff around this teething phase.

Should I shave my Bernese Mountain Dog’s coat to reduce shedding?

No, never shave down a double coated breed like the Bernese Mountain Dog! Removing their protective top coat actually increases shedding while risking sunburn and coat damage.

How can I manage my Bernese Mountain Dog’s heavy shedding?

Brush coat frequently year round daily during peak shedding seasons. Bathe monthly maximum. Use furniture covers over lounging spaces. Vacuum constantly with attachments reaching into tight spots. Supplement foods with omega oils supporting skin/coat health.

What causes such prolific shedding in Bernese Mountain Dogs?

Their double coat sheds heavily to thermoregulate seasonal temperature shifts. Warm spring weather causes winter undercoat blow outs. Cooling fall temps shed summer coat for thick winter fur growth. This functional molting keeps their coat healthy!

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